Session 2

Title: Modern Biometric Technologies for Secure Authentication and Identity Verification

Eleni Veroni1,2, Spyros Evangelatos1,2, Sophia Karagiorgou3, George Stavropoulos4, George Papadopoulos5

  1. Netcompany-Intrasoft SA, Luxembourg
  2. Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece
  3. Ubitech Ltd, Cyprus
  4. Centre of Research and Technology Hellas, Greece
  5. Harokopio University of Athens, Greece

Description: The rising adoption of biometric technologies reflects a fundamental shift towards more secure, efficient and user-friendly methods of person recognition (authentication and verification), revolutionizing various industries and reshaping the way individuals interact with digital systems and services. The latest advancements in biometrics encompass 3D facial images, contactless friction-ridge biometrics, iris recognition from long distances, palm vein, periocular biometrics, gait recognition and DNA biometrics. In this sense, we kindly invite authors and researchers to present their groundbreaking studies, innovative methodologies and real-world applications, shedding light on the potential challenges and ethical considerations within the realm of modern biometrics.