Session 1

Title: Opportunities and Obstacles of Artificial Intelligence for Education

Carla Pinto1, Jorge Mendonca1, Lurdes Babo1, Ricardo Queirós1, Mario Cruz1, Konstantinos Petridis2, Christos Nikolopoulos2

  1. Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal
  2. Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already impregnated in our daily lives. Nevertheless, it is essential to explore both its beneficial aspects (its “beauty”), and the potentially problematic or challenging elements (the “ugly” part), in particular in the Education sector. Efforts to mitigate risks, ensure transparency, establish ethical guidelines, and promote responsible AI development are vital for maximizing its benefits, while minimizing its drawbacks. In this sense, we kindly invite authors and researchers to submit their contributions in these topics to our special session. Join us and become an active part of the future of Education.